On May 10th 2023, our laboratory celebrated two outstanding achievements as Amanda and June successfully defended their theses.
Amanda (Zhang Qian) has become the first PhD from our lab at ShanghaiTech. She impressed us with her work on the regulation of Dpp signalling by the cell cycle regulator APC/C-SnoN, and on the role of Spd2 degradation by APC/C in the asymmetric division of neural stem cells. She has contributed to two of our recent papers (Braun at al., 2020 Open Biology, Meghini et al., 2022, EMBO Reports), with her as one of the first authors in the latter paper, earning her a well-deserved PhD degree. Her contributions have enriched our field, and we are proud to recognize her excellence.
June (Xue Xia) skillfully defended her Master’s thesis on the novel non-cell cycle function of the master cell cycle kinase CDK1 in cell fate determination, a project she carried out with Jane. Her dedication and insight have been a valuable asset to our team.
Both achievements reflect the innovative and collaborative spirit of our lab. Join us in congratulating Amanda and June on their remarkable success. We wish them the best as they embark on their next endeavours.
Congratulations again, to Dr Zhang and Master Xia!!